
This is a remake of the old TV Console game PONG, but with a little twist.


iPongiPong for AppleTV

iPongiPong Remote Controller for AppleTV

You can play against the AppleTV (Mr. & Mrs. Pong) or choose 2 player mode. If you choose 2 player mode you must download the iPong Remote Controller at App Store.

The games mission is to get as much goals and as high score as possible to make it to the top of the highscore list. You can choose to join GameCenter and earn Achievements or register for a local account and use only the iPong Highscore chart. If you do not want to participate in any highscorelists at all you just enter a Nickname and play all night long.

Tip! If you have bough the iPong Remote Controller, you can log in with your iPong account (or create one in your iPhone/iPad) and transfer the account to your AppleTV by checking the ”Use this account” checkbox and enter two player mode on the AppleTV. When you click play in the controller, the local account in the remote controller will be transferred to the AppleTV and replaces the AppleTV logged in Player 1.

So don’t hesitate. Go and buy your AppleTV today and download your version of iPong now.


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